Monday, May 11, 2009

Pregnancy and Smoking

Smoking women exposed almost twice to the risk of dropping the baby. that their mortality is significantly higher average and after birth - the rate of mortality of Smoking Women's Babies is higher

Can I also endanger the fetus?

A pregnant woman smoke, endange
ring the health and lives of the fetus. Research work conducted in many locations around the world, prove that the smoking mother Is indeed endanger the fetus. It has been proven that smoking mothers tend to give birth small babies on average than those of mothers not who don't smoke, and they also tend to have earlier.

That mortality of smoking women, significantly higher average, both within the uterus and in the first month after birth. High mortality rates is explained, at least in part, by the rates premature babies and mental deficiency
increases in uterine these women is relatively high.

What explanation for that?

Nicotine tobacco blottes cycle of blood, and shrinks blood vessel, including arteries provide blood fear disappointment. As a result, and whether the fetus receives less oxygen and other materials required for the proper development. Smoking women has decreased relative volume of blood, which reduce the supply of oxygenated
blood disappointment, resulting in the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

But if I smoke, I won't get fat.
Smoking causes a decline in heartily, and women bring some non-consumption of food supplies, essential for the fetus. Among smoking women find more cases of early separation disappointment of the uterus wall. This is a dangerous event, coil of harm, often severe, oxygen supply to the fetus. In this situation there is usually need of immediate birth of the fetus, even if it expired, in order to save his life.

Is crib death of babies more common for smoking women?
Crib death more common among pregnant mothers who smoked or other people smoked in their baby's environment. As a result of smoking, that the mother receives less oxygen and less food materials, the proper development required. In this situation might be disruption of the fetus increases mercy, birth early in severe danger of his life even might be. In addition to any health dangers , smoking hurts fertility of the woman and the man. Smoking Women have more risk to give birth early, and even intensified doubled, the risk of pregnancy outside of mercy as well.

In light of these findings, smoke every woman must stop smoking completely in step which is already planning to become pregnant, or if Martha already - stop smoking as soon as possible. Stopping smoking may help prevent the various complications caused due to smoking.

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