Friday, June 12, 2009

Pregnant? It's Chocolate Time!

Researches shows that Eating Chocolate during pregnancy is directly connected to your baby's temperament when he's Six month old!

Chocolate contains ingredients which has a biological impact and influence of the psychology and behavior of your baby.
Psychologists from Finland had checked if eating chocolate during pregnancy could prophesy the behavior of the baby in the age of six month old.
They interviewed 305 women about their chocolate eating habits and their stress during pregnancy.
Six months after birth, the women was asked to evaluate the temperament of their babies, and their behavior in different situations like fear, the ability to relax, smile and laughter.

Moms who reported of eating chocolate every day, during pregnancy, tended to evaluate the temper of their babies in a very positive way and the babies tended to smile and laugh.

Moms who were stressed during pregnancy tended to evaluate the temper of their babies in a negative way, specially moms who didn't (or rarely) eat chocolate at all.

This is the Short story, of course.
The conclusion is that chocolate has positive ingredients which effects on the baby while he still inside you!

For our opinion - those are a very good news!
We hope you like it too.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Revolutionary Way to Lose Weight!!!

I'm so excited about this new way to lose weight!

I have never believed on Diets. To my opinion it comes from the word "die"!
I always thought of it as a punishment and that's why it never worked.
If you don't allow yourself to eat the food you like, and makes you happy, you'll end up eating twice as mach, eventually.

That is why I'm so excited about this new friendly way to lose weight.
My sister actually found out about it 3 month ago and now, that she looks so hot and ready for her bathing suit, I am following her well shaped steps!
I started to follow this method only 10 days ago but i have to tell you, i feel so gooooood!!!
I smile to myself in the mirror, never looked better!

You can find this Amazing Diet Method here.

Good luck, and more important: Enjoy!

Friday, May 15, 2009

How to lose weight after birth?

Losing weight after birth is not easy.
You are jealous of the hot mommies in the neighborhood and don't understand how they make it!
This situation is pretty complicated.
You deal with constant treatment of your baby, with almost no sleep at all, frustration and loneliness.
here are some tips to help you walk with the baby and show off with your well shaped body!

1. Catch up some sleeping hours. Researches had shown that Shortage in the bedtimes is a cause for gaining fat.
Try to sleep when the baby does, or take a baby-sitter / friend / mom to help you for a few hours.

2. There is no need to deal with complicated long cooking. Keep in the refrigerator some vegetables, light cheese, light sauce, light bread, soups, tuna fish, pastrami, and more food that doesn't involved hours of cooking.

3. If you get hungry at night, eat some light sandwich, soup, vegetables.

4. Imagine your self thin, before the birth. Look at your old clothes you want to wear again.

5. Don't keep in your kitchen fat foods like chocolate or whatever makes you break the "rules".

6. Get to do some activities with people on your age, meet a friend for coffee, talk on the phone, hang out with friend or your husband.

7. Go out for a little walk with your baby in his pram, twice a day.

8. Take some sport classes that you like, Jim, dance, whatever you like. there are places you can even bring your baby!

9. Let yourself the little pleasures from time to time. chocolate, ice-cream, sweet bars, don't prevent it from yourself.

10. Drink a lot of water! Sometimes we get confused between hunger and thirst because of the breast-feeding.

Good Luck!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pick the Gender of your Baby!

Step #1: Timing & PH Levels

There are certain (short) periods of time when a woman is more likely to conceive either a boy or a girl. This is dependent on what a woman's natural acidity or alkalinity levels are. Basically, it works like this:

  • If a woman's PH level is predisposed to be highly acidic, she is more likely to have a girl. This is due to high acid levels killing off high numbers of male (Y Chromosome sperm) sperm, but leaving female (X Chromosome sperm) sperm unaffected.

  • If a woman's PH level is predisposed to be highly alkaline, she is far more likely to have a boy. This is in large part due to the fact that high alkaline levels are harmful to female sperm, but harmless to male sperm.

  • Ovulation timing is a critical factor as well. The good news's easy to know when you are ovulating. I'll show you how.

Step #2: Minor Diet Adjustments

Certain foods favor the conception of either a baby boy or girl. Don't worry, no tofu for breakfast, tofu for lunch & tofu for dinner routines. It will take a measure of effort on your part, of course, but you don't have to become a vegetarian or anything like that.

  • Snacks and party foods (yum!) favor conception of a baby ______

  • Dairy products & orange juice lead to conception of a baby ______

Step #3: Assigning Specific Intercourse Positions To Conceive The Gender of Your Choice

  • Achieving simultaneous orgasms (both Man/Woman) increases likelihood of conceiving a ________

  • Intercourse where woman does NOT achieve orgasm will result in conception of a baby ________

  • Why using _______ style positioned intercourse results in conceiving a baby girl

  • [Deep] or [Shallow] penetration leads to the conception of a baby boy

For All the Information about Picking the Gender of your Baby, Click here.

Pregnancy and Smoking

Smoking women exposed almost twice to the risk of dropping the baby. that their mortality is significantly higher average and after birth - the rate of mortality of Smoking Women's Babies is higher

Can I also endanger the fetus?

A pregnant woman smoke, endange
ring the health and lives of the fetus. Research work conducted in many locations around the world, prove that the smoking mother Is indeed endanger the fetus. It has been proven that smoking mothers tend to give birth small babies on average than those of mothers not who don't smoke, and they also tend to have earlier.

That mortality of smoking women, significantly higher average, both within the uterus and in the first month after birth. High mortality rates is explained, at least in part, by the rates premature babies and mental deficiency
increases in uterine these women is relatively high.

What explanation for that?

Nicotine tobacco blottes cycle of blood, and shrinks blood vessel, including arteries provide blood fear disappointment. As a result, and whether the fetus receives less oxygen and other materials required for the proper development. Smoking women has decreased relative volume of blood, which reduce the supply of oxygenated
blood disappointment, resulting in the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

But if I smoke, I won't get fat.
Smoking causes a decline in heartily, and women bring some non-consumption of food supplies, essential for the fetus. Among smoking women find more cases of early separation disappointment of the uterus wall. This is a dangerous event, coil of harm, often severe, oxygen supply to the fetus. In this situation there is usually need of immediate birth of the fetus, even if it expired, in order to save his life.

Is crib death of babies more common for smoking women?
Crib death more common among pregnant mothers who smoked or other people smoked in their baby's environment. As a result of smoking, that the mother receives less oxygen and less food materials, the proper development required. In this situation might be disruption of the fetus increases mercy, birth early in severe danger of his life even might be. In addition to any health dangers , smoking hurts fertility of the woman and the man. Smoking Women have more risk to give birth early, and even intensified doubled, the risk of pregnancy outside of mercy as well.

In light of these findings, smoke every woman must stop smoking completely in step which is already planning to become pregnant, or if Martha already - stop smoking as soon as possible. Stopping smoking may help prevent the various complications caused due to smoking.

You could find more usefull articles

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Education through a Story. by Dalit Halevy Sitrok.

Narrative psychology knows that, The story has great strength in a child education.
The story can be a way to transfer messages, values and educational contest.
Through the stories, the child confronts his problems, fears, and they become more structured to be simple after a template is inserted into a story.
Story template allows processing emotional experiences, social skills, Language and learning and strengthening self-defense providing a place following the child's experiences.
You can say that the story is a natural tool for organizing experiences, and participating in active multi-way the story makes it easy and encourages growth & Developmental Disabilities.
The story is a great tool to illuminate the eyes of our children to behaviors, a tool structured discussion on issues related to daily lives of us all.

When you read a story from the book, take the child values information and education to help him handle social interactions to adapt the world, the boy is not aware of the story forces him to direct the behavior correct this situation.
So I suggest that we all stop
the known methods of despair that may trigger shouts, threats, punishments ...
I propose another way to educate our children, a pleasant way to all of us, through the story!

Brothers fighting

The question we tend to ask ourselves often is "Why are they fighting?", Many parents ask what to do with the feeling that something is wrong, our children fight and jealous each other. If we look at the situation in an objective eye, our children have all reasons to fight and jealous. Brothers forced to share everything - Territory, toys, quality time with parents. Resource that exists at all. They have all the reasons therefore, to be jealous and fight. This is a little similar to the house where there are few women to the same owner (or a few men the same woman) Do they not envy each other?

Brothers can not choose or decide if they want a new brother. We set them. Most of us, since pregnancy, imagine how our children will be best friends. Fantasy that children will be best friends creates a difficulty for many of us. Fantasies should stay on the side. This is the real life!

How all this can reduce the jealousy and fighting between brothers and create a better atmosphere in the house?

• Do not create competition between the children - although we live in a very competitive achievements. Better yet it's important to keep the competitiveness between the children out of the house. Even innocent phrases like - "Who comes first to the bathroom" or "Who fasten his seat belt first in the car," the leading competition. Try to counteract the sense of competition at home.
• Do not compare the children - not even during the anger and not to stimulate them. It is important that every child find his own special place. Phrases like "Look how your sister is organized" or "Why can't you behave like your brother" do not lead anywhere good. The feeling that they should strive for their place encourages Jealousy and fights.
• Try not tag - Sometimes we have good intention and we tag the children in a positive way - "He is the mathematician of the family", "She is our model." Again we create a situation in which children need to keep the place. The concern that maybe the little baby of the family will be the mathematician instead of me and the question what is my place - just this taged place is not healthy.

And though many do when the children?

There is a saying that we shouldn't interfere with our children's interest rates. I do not know many parents who can not intervene on the side when the children are mad and fighting. Sometimes this advice is correct, As long as this is a small fights, Let them handle their own. It is important for them to have a place to fight and negotiate and know that we rely on them, is also important.

violence fights should be stopped immediately. One way is to try to send each to a different place, but not to ignore the opponent. Try to summon the children at a later stage (as far as small children call time should be close to) and hear from them what they experienced and how they think they can solve the problem. It is important not to be judges and not to decide or resolve the conflicts.

Last step - Pay attantion to when they are fighting? Maybe in the car on the way to Grandma when they are borred? Maybe in the restaurant when they finish their food? Or maybe you just around to demand attention? The timing of the tiff has a meaning and sometimes the
solution is through the observation.
> swap

Dear Mommy

Before I was born, I already knew how to suck, yawn, stretch, scratch myself and rub my feet. Sometimes even played with the umbilical cord. I Even already knew what side I would be comfortable to sleep on. Once the birth happened, I had to get used to the changes. I felt very good When they put me on your belly. It was nice to feel your touch, hear the rhythm of your breath and know that I'm not alone in this world. Don't be scared to hold me a little more. I need your help, the feeling of your body, a sound of your voice. This touch will help me to break apart from you slowly and learn about the boundaries of you and me.

Meanwhile, your hands are my borders, they hold me and guide me in this world. Do not let me cry too much. I still don't understand the concept of time. I'll grow up slowly and teach myself about the feelings flowing inside.
The ability to sense and feel has evolved in me very early, long before I was born. In the early twenty weeks I could hear your voice and distinguish between your gentle voice and a thick lower one, probably belonging to my father. I could even distinguish when you were quiet and calm and when you were tense nervous. All the months I was in your womb, was like a lab for me, where I learned what's going to happen to me. And already then I knew that things are not always easy. i know you likes me and wants me, but you also have a bad mood sometimes. Do not worry, Mom! From than teaching laboratory in the womb, I know I can adapt the new conditions slowly.
They say that your job is to bring me all the information about what is happening in the world. Please, Mom, don't scare me with all the terrible things that happening in the world. And don't excite me too much with the great things that in it. In the meantime I'm able to understand only a small part of it. At this point I'm full of feelings. I begin to differentiate between heat and cold, dark and light, loud noise and soft music, Pleasant and unpleasant. I depended on you to sort for me the external stimulation following the same interpretation for me. When i slowly, grow up, I will know how to do it myself.
For me, actually, It's just me existing, and you are a part of me. For me, to exist means to be with you. hold me in your arms, I'm sure you can do it, don't let everyone hold me, At least in the first days. There are people that i don't like to be in their hands. In yours I always feel good.
I would like you to Keep breast-feeding me, if you can. It will be OK even if you feed me with a bottle, as long as you hold me and give me all the attention. Do not look on TV at that same time, do not talk on the phone, just be with me.

If you give me all I asked here in the first few weeks, It doesn't mean that I am a spoiled baby. that's the way I build the basis for my mental health, my happiness, my inner confidence.
Your treatment, your sacrifice, your touch is very important for me to build all of these.

Love, your baby

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