Friday, May 15, 2009

How to lose weight after birth?

Losing weight after birth is not easy.
You are jealous of the hot mommies in the neighborhood and don't understand how they make it!
This situation is pretty complicated.
You deal with constant treatment of your baby, with almost no sleep at all, frustration and loneliness.
here are some tips to help you walk with the baby and show off with your well shaped body!

1. Catch up some sleeping hours. Researches had shown that Shortage in the bedtimes is a cause for gaining fat.
Try to sleep when the baby does, or take a baby-sitter / friend / mom to help you for a few hours.

2. There is no need to deal with complicated long cooking. Keep in the refrigerator some vegetables, light cheese, light sauce, light bread, soups, tuna fish, pastrami, and more food that doesn't involved hours of cooking.

3. If you get hungry at night, eat some light sandwich, soup, vegetables.

4. Imagine your self thin, before the birth. Look at your old clothes you want to wear again.

5. Don't keep in your kitchen fat foods like chocolate or whatever makes you break the "rules".

6. Get to do some activities with people on your age, meet a friend for coffee, talk on the phone, hang out with friend or your husband.

7. Go out for a little walk with your baby in his pram, twice a day.

8. Take some sport classes that you like, Jim, dance, whatever you like. there are places you can even bring your baby!

9. Let yourself the little pleasures from time to time. chocolate, ice-cream, sweet bars, don't prevent it from yourself.

10. Drink a lot of water! Sometimes we get confused between hunger and thirst because of the breast-feeding.

Good Luck!


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